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Dr. APA to Nawaem: These are the latest cosmetic dentistry techniques

  • 27 November 2021
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  • 314 مشاهدة

The famous New York-based dentist and cosmetic dentist Michael APA believes that the proper shape of the teeth should be symmetrical rather than asymmetric, meaning that the teeth should be balanced for the face frame from left to right and front to back, as the teeth help support the lips.

Dr. APA prides himself on his ability to create a facial symmetry that matches beauty standards and achieve a satisfactory result for a more beautiful face and smile. After devising the concept of Facial Aesthetic Design, a sophisticated and low-impact method that he is developing, and having treated world-class celebrities such as: Lea Michele, Chloe Sevigny, famous twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olson, actor Matt Dillon, international fashion designer Vera Wang and more, and… With his artistic touches to well-known personalities in the Arab world, such as the journalist Suhair Al-Qaisi, it was necessary to have this dialogue with him to find out about the latest cosmetic techniques in the world of dentistry:

What is the difference between teeth whitening methods through the technique of porcelain faces and the technique of “Luminer”? Which of these methods is more effective? What are the conditions for conducting each of them?
The technique of porcelain faces, even if performed to treat asymmetric teeth, using color, structure and light-emitting characteristics, can give a consistent appearance of the facial features if the smile is designed correctly. We can also make the look appear years younger by using ceramic faces to hide color defects, damage caused by grinding food, cracks or fractures in the teeth, as well as the problem of receding gums. As we get older, the gums become thinner, which leads to their receding.
Through the use of ceramic faces, we can give the gums a thick and healthy appearance. In addition, we eliminate frown lines and restore support to the lips to restore their freshness and fullness for a bright smile that illuminates the face and even make the cheeks appear fuller as they become hollow over time due to the loss of fat in them during age. We do all of this using only porcelain faces and understanding the needs of each patient.

What materials are used to whiten teeth? Are you safe?
Usually hydrogen peroxide is used, sometimes carbamide monoxide is used… both are perfectly safe. The percentages vary according to professional use and use at home, and hydrogen peroxide is characterized by twice the effectiveness of carbamide monoxide, so its percentage is usually half the percentage of carbamide. Carbamide is often used in patients who develop sensitivity following the teeth whitening process.

Are there any side effects of the teeth whitening process? And how long does its effect last?
There are long-term effects, some patients may experience sensitivity that does not last more than 48 hours. The continued effect of the treatment depends on the social habits of the patient, but it often lasts between 6 months and a year.

What conditions must be adhered to after teeth whitening / cosmetic dental treatment to maintain a perfect smile?
Just take good care of your oral health and hygiene. Immediately after the teeth whitening procedure, it is advised not to expose the teeth to anything that may leave traces on them for 24 hours, but other than that you can use a high-quality electric toothbrush and toothpaste specialized in whitening teeth twice a day and visit the dentist regularly.

Tell us about the techniques used in cosmetic treatments and procedures for the most advanced gums?
Dentistry is now becoming digital. You will find digital x-rays that emit less radiation, and digital dental imprinting machines where molds are made to match your teeth using a scan rather than using liquid placed in flat dishes. Digital scanners that make fillings and crowns only require one visit. Digital X-rays are widely used, but other technologies are making their way into the high-end market. Now the use of lasers in dentistry is spreading, where they are used to cut gums instead of using a sharp blade, and they are also used to carve bone or cut teeth to treat cavities. Soft tissue lasers, such as those used for gum treatment, are ideal, while orthopedic lasers still need to be adjusted to reduce operator time.
Porcelain face addition technique is one of the latest non-invasive cosmetic surgeries that is achieving a wide spread. It is not designed for all patients, but in some cases we do not have to use anesthetic or cut the tooth, but we can put a full or partial porcelain face over the tooth to restore the smile to your face. It is a very lengthy procedure that enables patients who fear tooth loss to obtain outstanding cosmetic results.
Noting that Dr. APA resides in New York and travels to Dubai four times a year to treat his clients in the Middle East and the Arab world.

So, cosmetic treatments are in fashion among women who are looking for ways to get a youthful look with natural features. And you, do you want to make your smile a mirror of your femininity?


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