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صحة الأسنان

The latest technology and equipment

  • 27 November 2021
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  • 187 مشاهدة

3Shape Scanner

Digital impressions technology at the European Center, the first center in Jordan that uses this technology, where measurements and 3D impressions are taken of the teeth by a high-quality camera, thus eliminating the paste and traditional methods, so the impressions are taken electronically to ensure our patients the most accurate impressions and measurements in a very short time


One of the most important inventions and developments in dentistry to treat abnormal movement of the teeth is the Ambla Sonic device that relies on the principle of ultrasound that helps stimulate the growth of jaw bone cells and during sessions, the movement will decrease gradually, as well as used in implantation operations to accelerate the bone fusion between the jaw and dental implants and thus Helps in its success, especially in immediate cultivation operations

Aqua Splint . Water Splint Device

The water splint device, which has the ingenuity of a German invention, is used to treat dental conditions (tightening or pulling) and to treat pain and temporomandibular joint problems, especially for those who suffer from headache or pain when waking up from sleep due to rubbing of the teeth during sleep.
It is a piece of plastic that contains a liquid substance inside it to balance the jaw. It is easy to install in the patient’s mouth without the need for an additional appointment or taking any prints for your teeth. It can also be installed for orthodontic patients during the treatment period.
Dr. Muhannad Al-Kiswany, Ambassador of the American Dawson Academy in the Middle East for Dinnergia, is considered one of the pioneers in the use of the water splint device.

Relative soothing device or laughing gas device (Nitrus N2O)

The best way to calm a patient who feels anxious during treatment or is afraid of visiting the dentist. It is considered one of the methods adopted by the Jordanian European Center with the latest technology, which is the digital gas pumping technique, which ensures that the ratio of pumping oxygen to nitrous is 100% safe, God willing. The laughing gas (Nitrus N2O) reduces the speed of reactions and responses in patients, especially for patients who are anxious and tense from treatment or who suffer from cases of throat allergies and vomiting. It can also be used for children for fear of anesthetics.

Ebite (wireless and rechargeable intraoral lighting system)

A device for examining the mouth and teeth and determining the percentage of tartar on the teeth, especially that layer that cannot be seen with the naked eye, as the color of the device’s light is changed according to the percentage of tartar on the teeth

Valo light cure . device

One of the latest medical devices that produce high-intensity LED light, which works to harden all materials, especially fillings. The advantage of this device over other devices is that it prevents the occurrence of sensitivity to the teeth after making the fillings, and it is also able to penetrate the crusts and coatings to work on the hardening of the materials used in pasting the crusts It also detects any cracks in the teeth

Satelec Ultrasonic Scalers

Another revolution in dentistry with medical innovations and modern technology … Satelec Ultrasonic Scalers The latest dental cleaning device to enjoy gentle treatment and clean teeth with a pain rate of 0

CGF . device
Platelet Rich Plasma and Concentrated Growth Factors Technique, which is a modern technique used in the treatment of many pathological conditions to obtain platelet-rich blood plasma (a concentrated source of autologous platelets), and then injected into the places that need treatment. It contains several factors of various other growth factors that stimulate the healing of tissues and bones.
This technology stimulates the division of stem cells, which are primitive cells that have the ability to divide and multiply to give different types of specialized cells such as skin cells, cartilage cells, and others. These stem cells are responsible for the regeneration of damaged cells, which leads to the production of new cells on its own in the body and tissue regeneration. Promote the growth of new blood vessels and stimulate the wound healing process.

This technique is completely safe and without any side effects at all in the long term, because it relies on injecting autologous materials from the same patient and thus there is no fear of the body rejecting the injected substance or the transmission of any bacterial infection.

OralID device

A very modern technology that contributes to the detection of oral cancer without the need to take surgical samples, analyzes or tests. It works by shining a special laser light of a specific frequency into the mouth, and the doctor sees the oral tissue through a shining light and special glasses that work to identify suspicious spots, if they are.


It is one of the latest medical devices used in the treatment and beautification of gums without anesthetic, removing dark gum pigmentation and treating mouth ulcers.

GPS software

It is a 3D smile planning program, so you can participate in the design of your smile and watch it on the computer before you straighten your teeth.

SaniGuard device

This product has the approval of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and it is a spray device that sterilizes the clinic with all its equipment and devices as soon as it comes into contact with the air and works to prevent the spread of infection or any serious diseases


We are proud to be the first clinic in the Middle East specialized in digital examination and treatment of dishes and temporomandibular joint disorders. T-Scan device from the American company TekScan

Read more about the Digital Dishes Clinic

Dental Scope 2D (HD Oral Endoscope)

One of the annoying reasons for visiting the dentist is sitting for a long time in an uncomfortable position, and opening the mouth for a long time, so that the doctor can see clearly.
But now this is no longer a problem. We have found the solution in the European Center through a device called Dental Scope, which provides the doctor with a clear view of the treatment area inside the mouth and the patient is in a comfortable sitting position, and the image that the doctor sees through this device is improved, clear and magnified 10 times.

The device consists of two main parts: the camera part that is installed on the dental chair, which is similar to the light installed on the chair and used by the doctor to transmit the image from inside the gloom, the second part is the screen that transmits the image and the doctor and the patient see it as well. Comfortable position.

The lighting provided by the device to the doctor is excellent, which will enable him to see completely clearly without the need to bring the device close to the patient in an annoying way to the patient and without the patient feeling the heat of the light because the device will be at least 40 cm away to obtain good lighting and a clear image of the doctor.

This device is very comfortable for the patient and the doctor, you will be assured, dear patient, that the treatment is at a high level of accuracy and clarity, and you are completely comfortable, and follow your treatment

The European center is the first center in the Middle East to obtain this high technology from the German company OrangeDental


From the German company OrangeDental, it is a device for treating gum disease with a laser, and this device is characterized by its rapid elimination of harmful oral bacteria by 99% within 60 seconds, and it has amazing features that quickly heal the gums from chronic diseases and severe infections. It also helps maintain the health of dental implants and extend their life span by eliminating all microbes surrounding the implant and thus reducing gum infections associated with dental implants.

surface sterilizer

Our clinics apply the standards of the French Anios laboratories for sterilization, using the same standards that are applied in hospital operating rooms. Walls, ceilings and furniture are even sterilized to protect patients from transmission of infection, especially hepatitis. The center follows a policy of disposable consumables for each patient and is disposed of instead of being re-sterilized and used in most procedures.


SironaInspect . device

From the German company Sirona, it is a device that is concerned with the very early diagnosis of dental caries, where we can detect the invisible beginnings of caries with the naked eye or with X-ray images, so that the possibility of stopping caries becomes the ideal solution using preventive treatment methods without the need to dig the tooth.

Zoom4 . device

The latest teeth whitening device, the Zoom 4 device, to get teeth up to 8 degrees whiter in a period not exceeding 60 minutes

digital imaging (sensor)

It is the latest type that reduces the percentage of radiation that the patient is exposed to, and gives an image with clearer and more accurate details than the normal imaging.

tas2 tas


This method is considered one of the most modern and fastest ways to detect and diagnose oral and dental problems and has a great impact on the dentist as he watches the condition of the mouth.

For more than 40 times, he sees areas inside the mouth that can only be reached in this way and the ordinary doctor cannot see them.
This makes the patient more confident, convinced, comprehending and understanding the condition of his mouth and teeth by watching that on the screen, which convinces him of the treatment plan that the doctor prescribes for him.


Endodontic treatment

The calamus dual system B system for filling the ducts by injection instead of the manual system used in most clinics, which increases the success rate of treatment


intractable cases

Also, periodical lesions and cysts are treated at the European Center with an injection system and with only one session.


Ultrasonic cleaner

Which removes the sediment stuck on the tools from saliva and blood residues and leaves for half an hour as a preliminary sterilization, then these tools are transferred to a special room, dried and placed in special bags.


Oral odor screening device “HALIMETER”

A device was discovered that measures the level of gases that cause mouth odor, such as sulfur gas, as exhaling loaded with these gases can communicate to the device the amount of gases present, and a reading is given on the device’s screen that determines whether there is an unpleasant smell and its degree. This is a more accurate method to ascertain the presence or absence of an unpleasant odor in the mouth.


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