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صحة الأسنان

How to prevent tooth decay

  • 4 October 2022
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  • 149 مشاهدة

Tooth decay (English: Tooth decay) indicates a breakdown of the hard outer layer of the teeth, which is known as the enamel layer (English: Enamel). These bacteria hide inside a layer of sticky deposits known as dental plaque, which forms continuously on the teeth. It is well known that the problem of tooth decay and its necrosis is one of the common problems in children, and it is also one of the problems that adults suffer from, especially the infection of the root of the tooth; This is due to changes in the structure of the teeth with age, where the gums are confined to the teeth, and with periodontal disease, this makes the roots of the teeth more vulnerable to dental plaque, which increases the chance of being exposed to decay, especially since the layer surrounding the roots of the teeth is less solid than the enamel layer. [1] Prevention of dental caries: Tooth decay can be prevented by taking care of the health and hygiene of the mouth and teeth, and the following is a set of tips to prevent tooth decay and caries:[2] Cleaning the teeth using a fluoride toothpaste after eating and drinking: It is recommended to clean Teeth at least twice a day, and it is recommended to use dental floss to get rid of food particles stuck between the teeth. Rinsing the mouth with fluoride: This is recommended for people most at risk of developing cavities and cavities. Visit the dentist periodically: to obtain periodic tips for dental and oral care, and to detect any problems, and solve them early. Drinking water from the tap: It contains fluoride concentrations, which reduces the risk of tooth decay, as drinking fluoride-free bottled water leads to deprivation of the benefits of this important element for dental health. Avoid frequent meals during the day: Frequent eating of meals during the day, and a lot of them, leads to the constant attack of the teeth from acidic secretions that are secreted by bacteria. The use of dental sealants: (In English: Dental sealants) These tools are in the form of plastic covers placed on the surfaces of the back molars. These tools contribute to bridging the gaps and channels in which food remains accumulate, and protect the enamel layer from exposure to acids and dental plaque. These tools can be left for several years before needing to be replaced, and only need to be checked and checked for safety periodically, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends using these tools for all school-aged children. Use of antibacterials: The doctor may recommend the use of some types of antibiotics if the patient’s condition calls for it, especially for people with diseases that make them more susceptible to tooth decay. Using a mixture of treatment options: such as antibiotic lotion, fluoride treatment, and chewing gum consisting of xylitol. Eating some foodstuffs may protect against tooth decay and cavities: such as eating fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, foods rich in calcium, drinking black or green tea without sugar, and chewing sugar-free gum rich in xylitol. The following is a set of tips to prevent tooth decay in infants and young children: [4] Cleaning the gums by wiping them with a clean cloth designated for cleaning the teeth of the infant before the appearance of his teeth, and as soon as the teeth of the infant appear, it is recommended to clean them using a brush designed for infants and children, with toothpaste. which contains fluoride in a very small amount; That is, the size of a grain of rice. After the child reaches one year, it is recommended to keep brushing his teeth at least twice a day. Avoid putting the bottle in the baby’s mouth while he is in bed. This is to prevent the risk of ear infection or sting, in addition to protecting the infant’s teeth from decay; Due to permanent exposure to sugar in milk. Avoid using a pacifier. Avoid using bottles or suction cups, and if necessary to use either of them, it is advised to fill them with water only. Reducing the amounts of sugar and sticky substances in the baby’s food. Avoid offering juice to the child during a meal, or avoid it entirely, and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under the age of six months avoid any type of juice. Visit the dentist before the child reaches one year of age. Dental caries treatment There are many treatment options for tooth decay and decay, and the treatment used depends on the severity and severity of the problem, and the available treatments are the following: Dental pulp treatment: This is done if the decay reaches the root canal. Tooth extraction: A tooth extraction and extraction is resorted to if the case of tooth decay is very severe, and the tooth cannot be repaired or treated by any other means. Caries treatment with fluoride: This method helps the enamel layer to re-repair itself, and this method can be used in the beginnings of caries. Symptoms and complications of tooth decay The symptoms of tooth decay can be summarized in the presence of toothache, this pain may be harmful


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