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صحة الأسنان

Tooth loss leads to memory impairment

  • 29 November 2021
  • 0
  • 150 مشاهدة

Scientists from Sweden discovered that our memory is in our teeth, stressing that the loss of a person’s teeth leads to an imbalance in his memory, and that this has nothing to do with age.
The study concluded that tooth loss leads to an imbalance in human memory, without having to do with age, and that good memory is linked to good natural teeth, not artificial ones.

As it appeared in the research, when the tooth is lost, part of the nerve network disappears, which negatively affects the part of the brain specialized in memory.

The medical team followed hundreds of citizens in both Sweden and Norway for twenty years, during which the developments of each person were recorded in terms of age, memory and hierarchy.
Experts believe that with the loss of teeth, sensory signals that send information to the brain weaken, and this negatively affects human memory.
Scientists also believe that dental diseases are also related to memory, as these diseases can cause nerve death and memory loss.
Therefore, doctors advise that if a person wants to maintain a good memory in old age, he should preserve his teeth during his youth.


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